Thursday, March 12, 2009

Go Brown Caps!!!!!!!!

So this week is the first week of the finals for the Mighty Brown Caps. Earlier in the week there was quite a bit of that wet stuff that falls from the sky, what's it called again? I think rain is the word I'm looking for. So hopefully the pitches were covered, or it's had a chance to dry out before tomorrow.

So good luck to the mighty BC's, win this week to go straight into the GF boys!!! Best of luck

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My last webolutionary wost!!!

Well I have completed the webolution, who'd have thought this day would come? I have really enjoyed the process of the webolution, this program has provided us with the opportunity to discover and learn more about so many useful technologies.

KD has done a fantastic job setting this up for us, and making sure everyone completes it. Top job mate!!!!


So the actvity for this was to find a video you would like to add to your blog. Well, you're gonna laugh if you watch this video, and you'll be thinking, man, Shanksie is insane. Guess what, I sure am.

I first heard part of this song in an email one of my Scottish rellies sent to my ma and pa, loved what I heard so had to find the whole song. I'll try and add it to my blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's getting close to the end of the..............

So it's getting close to the end of the Webolution, and although I'm not finished yet, I am very close to it, and it will be done (just so I can see Josh)!!!!

Not only is it getting close to the end of the Webolution but it's also getting close to the end of cricket season, for the mighty Brown Caps, tomorrow sees the conclusion of the last game before finals. Now of course I haven't been raving about them all year for nothing, the Brown Caps are currently sitting on top of the ladder, and so in theory should be in the Grand Final at the end of the month.

I'm lucky that it just so happens my RDO is on the Friday before the GF, so hopefully they'll be there so KD and I can go watch.

Anyway best get back to webolution stuff before Clarky tells me off again!!!! Lol